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Client Feedback

© 2012 Head 2 Hoof Sync.

© 2012 Head 2 Hoof Sync.

For the first time since starting Basil under saddle 10 years ago, I have butter in my hands, a fully flexible body under my seat and the best ride ever!

And with Moo we now have canter both leads, shoulder in, travers and leg yield on both sides. Big thanks to Nikki Thomas for  fantastic service and assistance. That said, I regularly got my horses teeth done prior to this, but had no idea they were not being done correctly. Now I know how it feels when they are perfectly balanced.


- Sharon Leone

Huge thanks to Nikki! A couple of times my boy has looked a bit ill thrifty and been a bit stressy. All it takes is one treatment from her and he relaxes and bulks up over night! Both times he was sore and I couldn't quite pinpoint it without her. The first time she came to visit, she told me she was fairly sure his teeth were the cause. I had just had them done one month before and as far as I knew I was happy with the job. I trusted her judgement and got out a second equine dentist. My goodness there was still a lot wrong.


My horse has come on leaps and bounds in the last two months, it would not have been possible without Nikki. I am so glad I bit the bullet and listened to her advice too.


- Jaimee Cotter

Nikki you are brilliant! Thank you so much for treating both my horses on Monday. Terika went from being reluctant to flex left before the treatment, and I had my first ride on her yesterday after the treatment... What a different horse :) we have left flexion and she is a much happier horse in general. Thank you!


- Rachael Andrews

After a horse related accident which left me with severe back pain and having spent ridiculous amounts of money on physio, chiropractors and massage therapists which only provided short term relief, I discovered Human Bowen Therapy - and I have never looked back. The difference I felt after only a couple of sessions was phenomenal and it inspired me to seek out an Equine Bowen Therapist to treat our race horses.


I found Nikki's advertisement on the Cavaletti Website and contacted her immediately. She was able to promptly visit and assess our horses needs and I was impressed with how knowledgeable, honest and professional she was as well as having an exceptional manner with the horses.


Since beginning Equine Bowen Treatments the difference seen in our horses emotionally, mentally and physically has been outstanding and Nikki has helped to diagnose several physical issues which we had struggled to pin point. She also readily recommends other professionals in other equine fields such as farriers and dentists which has helped us immensely. Nikki has now been a regular visitor to our horses for the last 18 months and I cannot speak highly enough of her.


- Brittany Willis

We got Nikki to come see our warmblood mare that was excruciatingly sore throughout her whole body. It was soon established  that her teeth were the problem with her jaw being pushed out of line, and she likely had suffered a head ache for years because of it. So, teeth fixed and 3 Bowen treatments later and the horse is moving completely free and beautifully! 


Thanks Nikki for your amazing work! We bought a horse with issues that are now null and void :-)


- Pernille Stent

I've owned my anglo arab for 18 months, and noticed that within 6 months of owning him his body was changing shape... and not for the better! He was dropping topline as well and just didnt look right. I heard of Nikki through facebook and asked her to come out and have a look at my boy. Her advice was spot on! She found that my boy was unable to use his back properly and was very stiff in his neck. She worked on his issues and advised that I look into a saddle refit and some proper dentistry.


Well... we haven't looked back! My boy is working better than ever! His topline is recovering and I don't have to work so hard in the saddle. Nikki is a regular at my place, just to keep us happy and healthy.


- Louise Owen

Please feel free to leave some feedback about your experience with us.

We would love to hear from you and add your story to our website!

Could not recommend highly enough! After several attempts from other therapists we could not pin point the Issues of our pony who had suddenly changed and become very sore and upset resulting in us basically not being able to safely handle her. Nikki visited us and within 15 mins had assessed the pony and had an idea of where and what was causing the problems. After treatment was performed the pony almost straight away had become more comfortable and happy to be handled , we were given helpfull advise and are now on the right track to insuring our pony is healthy , happy and can continue on for her show career. Very happy! 


- Kirsty Almond

We asked Nikki to have a look at Bernie on the recommendation of Lou Collins as we had been having several issues with him,the main two being soreness in his back/neck which he was having regular 6 weekly Bowen treatments on and head flicking while being ridden.


Within 20 minutes Nikki had assessed Bernie and suggested we have him seen by a dentist who specialises in corrective dentistry, she also recommended a farrier to work on improving Bernie's hooves as he was very 'flat footed' After one treatment with Nikki Bernie had improved,he was more fluid in his movement, was happy to work on the bit more and started working from behind. After his dentistry work and another treatment from Nikki Bernie is like a different horse.


The continuous head flicking has completely stopped ,he is more relaxed and works for lengthy periods on the bit - something he used to be too sore to do. We haven't had to have any further treatments as Bernie isn't showing any signs of stiffness or soreness. Nikki is an amazing person who is incredibly knowledgable. I would recommend everyone to have her look at their horse,I can't thank her enough for making such a difference to Bernie.


- Georgina Marsdon

Great decision to have Head to Hoof Sync out today to have a look at Chilli. I have spend over $1000 these past 6 months on chiros, dentists, farriers, acupuncturists and saddle fitters to try figure out and fix why my horse is so constantly sore.


Certain points on his face showed significant pain in his mouth which followed up to his poll and down his neck so every time the bit touched his teeth he was in pain from a terrible job done by this particular dentist i had out. BOTH of my saddles have been miss fitted and are constantly causing more pain in his back every time i ride. Two really important things that need to be spot on have been setting us back day after day and they are the things that i have spent so much money on trying to get right.


i am so thankfull to finally know what is wrong with my poor little horse. Highly recommend Head to Hoof, Nikki is really worth the time and money!


- Carly Howard

I can't say enough how nice it is to have a fully sound horse for the first time in a year of owning him! He came to me with all sorts of issues that we largely resolved. However, I knew (and he was not shy about telling me!) that something was still not quite right.


So I contacted Nikki to assess him, on the recommendation of a friend. She was quick to point out that his saddle fit and teeth needed attention - they were causing him to suffer from a sore back and stiff neck. Since having both of these issues rectified, all the little things that were so frustrating before are no longer an issue - he'll pick up the correct canter lead almost every time, and his flexion is soft like you wouldn't believe after having his teeth corrected by Equident!


My only regret is that I hadn't found Nikki sooner, and wasted a year mucking around with various other treatments. She will forevermore be my go-to person if I suspect something is off or wrong or needs attention, and I will recommend her services to anyone who will listen!


- Sam Humberstone

Nikki I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! I got up to 2 totally different horses this morning after their treatments lastnight. Shianne is happier and I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes but the hollow in her hips and ribs aren't visible anymore!! I'm so impressed. Roseys had her feet done too and was a total chilled happy mare.

Thank you again! Can't wait to have you back for bodywork on my filly. 


- Evie Molson

Thank you for your valuable feedback!

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